Thursday, September 01, 2005

Mountain Buggy - a life with two children

So after being devoted users of the Bugaboo Frog for 2 years, we recently faced the reality of two kids and a single stroller! On a recent trip to New York, I spied the Mountain Buggy on the streets and stopped a couple of (reticent) mothers/nannies to ask them about the stroller. We ended up purchasing the Urban Double and liked it so much that we became a retailer! As with all of the products we sell, we are firm believers in real-world testing. We have Charles (3 months old) in the carrycot and Isabel (2 years) in the regular seat, side-by-side. Comfort for all! Sure makes life easier around Lakeside, where walking is the default means of transportation. You can see our selection of Mountain Buggies here.

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